
Train Route


Come aboard the most legendary Little Train in the Alps, driven by its historic electric locomotives. In 50 minutes, the Petit Train travels through 5 communes, passes through 5 tunnels and over 3 majestic viaducts, all the way to the terminus at Monteynard.

The ride continues on foot to the Belvédère du Grand Balcon, overlooking the turquoise waters of one of France’s largest dams, operated by EDF. An invitation to travel to the heart of Isère!


A stop at the La Mine Image Museum

On your return journey, stop off at the Museum La Mine Image and enjoy a guided tour inside the real underground galleries of the anthracite mine, one of the treasures of the Matheysin region. A 2-hour guided tour to explore two centuries of mining through an unusual journey!


After your visit, take the Petit Train back to La Mure station. Get off the train at the Mine Image stop only on presentation of a Petit Train + Mine Image Museum ticket.




AT TERMINUS – THE Grand Balcon pRomenade

A spectacular panorama of one of the Matheysine’s finest views!


  • Walk accessible by train only
  • A 400-metre walk from the train terminus to the Belvedere, a viewpoint overlooking the dam and its turquoise lake
  • Le Panoramique Restaurant
  • Information totems
  • Fresco “To the birds” by artist Nessé
  • Bathroom (in the restaurant)


Fly over the dam on an eagle’s back: 4 augmented reality terminals!

La réalité virtuelle s’invite sur le parcours de visite ! Expérimentez le vol à dos d’aigle au-dessus de l’un des plus grands barrages hydroélectriques de France exploité par EDF. Une immersion à 360° au cœur d’une nature majestueuse comme vous ne l’avez jamais vue !


Virtual reality on the tour! Experience the flight of an eagle over one of France’s largest hydroelectric dams, operated by EDF. A 360° immersion into the heart of majestic nature as you’ve never seen it before!


  • Free access to terminals
  • Co-produced by EDEIS and EDF
  • Flying over the dam is strictly forbidden